Middle School
(Grade 6 to 8)
Middle School is a time of great change for adolescents. Our Middle School Program is designed to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences to help students be able to think, create, and contribute, preparing them for success in the 21st century.
During their time in the Middle School students study the following subjects:
In English:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Computer Science
Physical Education (PE)
Second Language:
• French or German
In Arabic:
Arabic language
Religion (Islam or Christianity)
Social Studies
Standards and Books:
Reading & Literature:
We use the Common Core Standards
The book we use is “Collections”
We use the Common Core Standards
The book we use is McDougal Littell
Next Generations Science Standards (NGSS)
The book we use is Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Social Studies:
Next Generations Social Studies Standards (NGSS)
The book we use is Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Grading Policy
Each subject is out of 100 marks and is divided as following:
10 marks Attendance
10 marks Homework
10 marks Participation
10 marks Behavior
20 marks Quizzes
20 marks Project
20 marks Quarter Exam
Students who are enrolled in the American Diploma are issued grades that are calculated using percentages and then converted to letter grades based on the following scale:
100 – 96 A+ 4.0 78- 76 C+ 2.3
95 – 93 A 4.0 75 – 73 C 2.0
92 – 89 A- 3.7 72 – 69 C- 1.7
88 – 86 B+ 3.3 68 – 66 D+ 1.3
85 – 83 B 3.0 65 – 63 D 1.0
82 – 79 B- 2.7 62 – 60 D- 0.7
Below 60 F
*Only coursework that is completed at SIS is used to determine a student’s grade-point average (GPA)
High School
(Grade 9 to 12)
Our High School Program is a 4-year program of study that prepares students for college and careers and enables them to become successful 21st century citizens through thinking, creating and contributing.
During High School, students take a wide variety of courses, earning credits for graduation and entry into university programs around the world.
Graduation Requirements
The courses listed below are required for a high school diploma:
English (Language Arts, Literature) 4 credits
Mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus) 4 credits
Science (Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 4 credits
Social Studies (World History, Psychology, Economics) 4 credits
Second Language (French or German) 2 credits
Electives (Advanced Biology, AP Geography, Business, Advanced Math) 4 credits
Physical Education 1 credit
Art (Visual or Performing) 1/2 credit
Computer 1/2 credit